12 January 2016

I am coming home...

Assalam & 안녕...

   I am coming home...coming home
   Tell the world I am coming...
   Back to where I belong

Someone out there will say, do I care if you come back or not! Hahahaaa...
 Sedih tau nak balik dah. Kejap je rasanya. Tak sangka dah last day. Undoubtedly, this is the shortest one compared to the previous trips. Namanya trip asal ada...heheee
Luckily, it only take few minutes from our friend's house to the Capitol Hotel (Capitol Hotel is the last stop of airport bus No. 6030, which bound for Itaewon). The fare is KRW15,000 and pay to the ahjussi driver inside the bus. Our flight is estimated to depart at 11.00am.

Nampak cam happy, kan. Posing time mestila kena control ayu :( 
This is maybe my last trip to Korea. I want to take a break from Korea...anything about Korea *drama* 
Ntah iya ntah tak aku ni. Rasanya dah kali kedua dah cakap camtu tapi end up aku still pegi. Hahahaa...Rasa cam something missing kalau tak pegi setahun. Korea complete my life! Gitewww...
Kali ni...In Shaa Allah aku cuba sedaya mungkin. Cuma berapa lama bertahan aku tak pasti.
보고 싶을거야...
대한 민국 만세!
End of the trip.