20 February 2016

Day 1 : Singapore Part II

Assalam & 안녕...

At previous entry, I said that I am lost. Alkisahnya...jalan punya jalan (yang aku rasa cam sangat jauh compared masa pegi) akhirnya jumpa gak station MRT. Station ni adalah berbeza daripada station yang aku tiba awal-awal tadi. That station is Nicoll Highway Station (Circle Line). ㅋㅋㅋ.....Blasah je la labu!

Everything happens for a reason...

Ada hikmahnya aku sesat. When I look around, somehow...I discover something. Is that it?

Source : Google
  That's how I discover my whereabouts is actually very near to Stadium Station. Very very near! Ada apa dengan Stadium Station? OK...tetiba hati macam nak melompat terjun dari jejantas. Eh, jangan! Tibe berdrama, hahahaaa... Without even one minute being wasted, I decided to go there and have a look.

맞네...Singapore Indoor Stadium
Pepatah dulu2 kata, "Tak dapat tengok orangnya, dapat tengok bumbung stadium pun jadikla..."
  I'm actually prepare a map sesiap just in case I have more time to go. With this...I don't think I have to bersusah payah find time to search for this stadium. Aku suka stadium ni. Sebab dia lengkap. Siap ada shopping outlet...tempat makan...so kalau nak pi tengok konsert ke games ke takde la susah payah nak fikir mana nak makan. Semua ada kat sini. Dan takde la jugak macam typical stadium yang 'mati' bila takde any events or functions or games.
Few weeks before my trip, a friend sent me their concert's poster. Sobs.....
Source : Google
Hurm...괜찮아 티니야! (while persuade my heart).

Lepas check in aku sempat tidur jap. Rasa cam penat gile. Penangan apakah ini??? Dia macam pakej tau. Panas + Penat + Kaki Sakit = Tidur ler ubatnya. Lagi-lagi dapat air-cond. Wahhh...heaven nya! Tapi takde la lama aku tidur. Rugilah wei pegi jauh-jauh semata-mata nak tidur.
Pukul 2.45pm aku bangun siap-siap terus keluar. Next destination is Gardens By the Bay (BBTB). BBTB ni macam park yang besar and ada banyak section. Aku tak pegi semua pun sebab not enough time.
How to get here? Get off at Bayfront Station and take Exit B. Just follow the underground linkway tu je. Walk straight and on the left nanti can see ticket counter for those want to use shuttle bus to the garden. The fee is only SGD3 to ride the shuttle bus. Or else, boleh je nak jalan kaki sampai garden tu because the view is so awesome. But I choose to ride a shuttle bus, hahahahaa...Nasib baik beratur pun tak lama kejap je.
An arrows show the route taken
First aku masuk Cloud forest dulu sebab time tu dah dekat 4pm and time tu ada mist. Mist ni tak sepanjang masa ada. Timing can refer here. Tapi aku hampa...cuma tu je yang ada. Entrance fee Cloud Forest ni SGD28 which is actually package with Flower Dome entrance. So, keep the ticket properly.

Inside Flower Dome

Supertree Groove
OCBC Skyway...entrance fee is only SGD5. Tinggi kot nak naik atas ni. Tapi jangan risau. Naik atas tu pakai lif bukan tangga yer:D And each visitors only allowed to spend about 15 minutes up there. Lorrr...aku ingat leh sesuka ati aku je nak spend berapa lama pun kat atas ni.
Being up there, ahhaahahaa...aku ni dah la gayat. Adoiiii...cuak wei. Dah la jaring-jaring je dia nya skywalk tu. Memang cari nahas tol aku ni kan. Tambah-tambah angin kuat...uwaaaaaaaa aku rasa cam nak terlompat jatuh bawah je *drama*
Tapi dah lama-lama kat atas aku rasa syiokkkk juga.

OCBC Skyway

Dragonfly Lake

Lama gak aku spend time kat sini. Dari sini aku terus balik guesthouse sebab dah nak malam. Tak berani la plak aku nak jalan malam-malam sensorang camni kan walau selamat macam mana pun negara tu.
That's how my first day in Singapore end.
End of day 1.