4 July 2015

The Class Meet & Greet with CNBLUE


Today must be a great day for Boice. Yesss...we've met our beloved boys CNBLUE. The Class has bring the boys here for official launching of The Class brand.

Aisyyy...the quality is very poor. 미안...this is the time where I dream to have DSLR :(
The occasion was held at Midvalley, Kuala Lumpur. It started at 1 pm. 와...오랜만에 since their last performing in Malaysia. Welcome back CNBLUE!
They started the ceremony with fashion show. Padahal masa ni semua Boice dah tak sabar nak jumpa CNBLUE. Bukan nak tengok sangat pun fashion show tu. But, like the MC said, CNBLUE won't be here if not because of The Class. So, let's give them credit :D Fortunately, the models are quite good looking men. One of them seems cute so he got the loudest cheer from Boice. 

I think around almost 1.30pm, the boys arrive at the venue. Undoubtedly, fans cheer for them loudly. Yeayyy...

CNBLUE in the house~~fan service from our congressman
The boys seem in a good mood today, so as yesterday. Min Hyuk is so kind with fan service. Yong Hwa as usual with his playful attitude and so for the rest. Let's enjoy the tak-berapa-nak-best-picture ni. 

Yong Hwa bagi salam. Dah belajar bagi salam ke, bang. Alhamdulillah...bagusla :D
Envy these Boice. I wish I could be there someday
Leaving the stage. Till we meet again CNBLUE!
A flustered moment (If I can say that) when JYH and LJS say, 'Assalamualaikum...' Mmm...they improved a lot since last time or...everytime they come here? :D

And of course after he said 'I love you' and laughed at minutes 02:38. 귀여운...It's good to see them again. This is their forth time since GDA in Sepang few years ago. My first time tho seeing them this close. Yet not so close. Seeing them in front of my eyes...대박! Tinggi galah si Min Hyuk ngan Jung Shin ni. And Yong Hwa ................................................... :D :D

Till we meet again...CNBLUE. 샤랑해...정용화! Eh....hihiihiii~

p/s : Credit to owner of the video. I borrow your video to be put in my blog as kenangan, ok sis? 고마워요...