Assalam & 안녕...

Date : 1st April 2015
Location : Korean Folk Village, Suwon
Direction : Suwon St. Exit 5. Go forward about 50m.
Location : Korean Folk Village, Suwon
Direction : Suwon St. Exit 5. Go forward about 50m.
Shuttle bus will be at the nearby bus stop (There's small infomation board for shuttle bus).
Our 3rd day!
It's still early in the morning. First shuttle bus is at 10.30am. So we go back to the shopping mall to look for anything we can eat. We found this kimbap. We buy one since we don't breakfast yet.
Perut tengah lapar semua sedap, kan. Kahkahkahhh...We buy another two sets tapau untuk makan kat KFV nanti.
Ramai gak yang naik shuttle bus ni. Queue dia punyalah panjang. Bus sampai...ahjussi tu sumbat semua masuk dalam bus. Takut gak kalau tak dapat naik. Kalau missed yang ni...nampak gayanya memang kena pelempang sebab aku dah buang masa menunggu (lempang muka sendiri, bukannya ahjussi tu heheee...). Next bus tak sure what time but for sure kena tunggu lagi more than one minute. Penantian tu satu penyiksaan! End up aku kena berdiri all the way to KFV. Boleh tahan gak la ramainya. Weekend kan! And as usual, locals yang meriah. Bertabahlah! Korea domestic tourism is such a successful industry...bear that in mind.
Bus akan stop at the roadside. So kena jalan sket ke entrance. Just follow the crowd! Entrance fee originally is KRW15,000 but if use discount coupon just need to pay only KRW10,000. Kind and generous sangat, kan. Cuaca dah panas. Jom layan gambar. Actually, there are so many beautiful pics sampai tak tau which one to choose. Kalau ikut hati semua nak masukㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋ
Great performance! |
Rasa macam ada kat dalam saeguk drama plak dengan background camtu. Can fefeeling of Joseon period :D |
Meet Micky Yoochun Oppa and Park Min Young. Cite apa eik ni...the ignorant of K-drama's fan |
Tenang je rasa. Kitorang lunch kimbap tadi kat area waterfall ni. Ngantuk rasa....히히히 |

Slalu nampak kat blog orang lain gambar camni. Hiihiii...this time I've made it. Bangga jap! |
We take 4.30pm shuttle bus (last shuttle bus. The earlier one is at 3.30pm [as at today]) to get back to Suwon St. It's okay if you missed this bus as public bus pun banyak, so as taxi. Just spend some money for bus fare je. The bus will stop at the opposite side so we need to cross the bridge to get into the shopping mall or into subway station.
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